《台灣映象》螢火蟲色 Taiwan Fireflies

本週精選:螢火蟲色 Taiwan Fireflies #4ab134

本週精選:螢火蟲色 Taiwan Fireflies #4ab134


螢火蟲是生態指標,與自然環境的保護息息相關,目前全球螢火蟲有2,000多種,台灣螢火蟲有60種以上。每年在春末夏初是觀賞螢火蟲的最佳時機,其中阿里山螢火蟲種類多達42種,約占全台的三分之二,一年四季從低海拔到中高海拔區域都能見其蹤跡。觀光局為推廣國內生態體驗,規劃2017為生態旅遊年,台灣也於2017年主辦螢火蟲國際年會(International Firefly Symposium),來自全球各地的學者一起交流螢火蟲復育經驗,並共同見證台灣螢火蟲復育成果。

【Taiwan Fireflies|Alishan】

The presence of fireflies is an important sign of a healthy ecosystem. More than 60 of the world's 2,000 or so types of fireflies make their home in Taiwan, 42 of which can be found in the Alishan area alone. The late spring to early summer months are the best time to see the fireflies, but their luminous dance can be enjoyed throughout the year at various elevations. In 2017, the Tourism Bureau designated 2017 as Ecotourism Year. Firefly scholars from around the globe came to Taiwan that year for the International Firefly Symposium to discuss ways to restore firefly habitats and learn from Taiwan's achievements in this area.

更多台灣映象請觀看交通部觀光局發行《Tourism 2020 Taiwan Kaleido》


《Tourism 2020 Taiwan Kaleido台灣映象》一書,蒐集台灣永續觀光最美的顏色,呈現台灣四季美麗遞嬗,多元精彩的文化風情,並將之幻映為3D立體全息影像,邀您一起領略台灣觀光的細膩色彩。

交通部觀光局以Tourism 2020永續觀光為核心概念,訂定每年推廣主題,從2017生態旅遊年、2018海灣旅遊年、2019小鎮漫遊年及2020脊梁山脈旅遊年,成功讓世界看見台灣的觀光新魅力!